Serenity Tonic

Dear Community,

I'm sorry for my delay in getting this out to you.  I've actually been pretty obsessed with trying to control the Universe lately which has taken up most of my time and hasn’t gotten me anywhere.  My recent
relapse into my "control issues" started about a month ago when the twins went through a sleep regression and started taking turns keeping me up all night.  Did you know that sleep deprivation is used as a
method of torture?  I tried everything to remedy the situation including hiring professional help.  I discovered that I could set up the most optimal sleep conditions (changed what I could) and ultimately, I cannot make a baby sleep (I surrendered).  Next up, the Coronavirus which has lead to the temporary canceling of my daughter’s school and the closing of my yoga studio as well as the threat of the health and wellbeing of us all.  Control issues have been kicking in high gear as I navigate this crisis, the changes in home life and our
new financial situation.  I'm in the midst of discerning what is within my influence to change and sorting out what I need to surrender.

How about you?  Can you relate?  Is there anything you've been trying to control which is simply not within your power?  Have you been trying to manage the unmanageable?  What is within your sphere of influence at present?  Is there any action you can take towards your self care?  Are there any practices or habits you’d like to implement or any you need to cut back from?

It may help to reflect on some of these questions, practice yoga, meditate and pray.  The teachings of Yoga stress the importance of going inward (which can be very challenging at times like this). What's happening around us matters very much, however; the more we each individually do our own inner work to raise our vibration, the greater impact it has on us all.  We may not be able to control the state of the world right now; however, we can change how we show up for it.

with love & hope, Annie

Annie Jacob