Sankalpa & News Year's Resolutions


“By definition, a Sankalpa should honor the deeper meaning of our life. A Sankalpa speaks to the larger arc of our lives, our dharma - our overriding purpose for being here.” - Rod Stryker

A similar concept to a New Years Resolution within the teachings of Yoga is called a Sankalpa. The concept of Sankalpa and how to establish one is beyond the scope of what I’ve written here (or what casually may be mentioned at the start of a yoga class), however; here’s some information to either review or introduce the concept.

In Sanskrit “San” refers to connection we make to support our highest truth and “Kalpa” is a vow or rule to be followed above all other rules.  A Sankalpa is an Intention formed by heart and mind, solemn vow, will and determination.  Sankalpa is a one-pointed resolve to focus both psychologically and philosophically on a specific goal.  A Sankalpa is also aligned with our higher Self and when carried through benefits our life and serves the grander flow of energy uniting us all.  It can be summed up into a statement in which one can call upon and utilize to support staying on track.

Some things to consider when crafting a Sankalpa are: Is it achievable (within 6-18 months)?  Can I see/ visualize / sense/ believe it’s doable (51% of me agrees or believes it)?  Is it measurable (will you know when it’s completed)?  Is it written in the present tense and/or with a strong statement of completion to it?  Does this resolve stem from my Higher Self, an inner sense of wholeness and belonging (vs being rooted in fear or insecurity or lower level desires)? 

The new year is a great time to think ahead and plan.  We can live fully in the present with goals and plans for the future.  If you haven’t already, I invite you to take some time to reflect on the coming year and create or refine your New Year’s Resolutions or a Sankalpa.  I wish you peace, happiness and health this New Year!

 ~ Annie

Annie Jacob