The Power to Change Your Direction


"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading." 
~  Lao Tzu

I often hear from others, and find myself saying, how quickly time has flown by!  Time is funny like that; sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday when in reality years have slipped by.  I can get so caught up in the day to day of life that I forget to check in and evaluate if the actions I'm taking are positioning me in a positive direction or holding me in a cycle of dissatisfaction.

At seasons change, it can be a good opportunity to take inventory of ourselves and either establish new routines or let go of something and call in something new.  Sometimes we intentionally take the opportunity to pause and reflect on life and make some choices that affect the path we are on.  Sometimes things come at us from the outside that push us more into a new orientation or knock us aside the head and make us refine our values or really question how we are living.

For many, habitual patterns and behaviors are unconsciously driving our life. Sometimes they are so deep, they are are hard to see or perhaps we've even practiced them for so long that even though we are are aware of them, we have trouble rerouting.  We may catch ourselves complaining about things yet, when we take a good look, we really haven't made the actions to change.  Often lower level desires keep us from seeking that which ultimately sparks and fulfills us.  

Please join me this week in taking time to evaluate the direction we are heading and if we don't like where we are going, make one small action to reroute.  May you have a great week.

~ Annie Jacob

Annie Jacob